Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Retie Target Moccasin Laces

© Raúl Harper, 2009

should not be a personal preference, so to take the day to think of white. Could think of red, blue, even in a fluorescent green, but tradition says that when you need to relax, you think of white. At first he took classes in Hatha Yoga twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays, but it was so magical effect on me that a few months and I was practicing every day.

In addition to my yoga routine spent Sunday at home sessions of meditation, to think of white. I sat in lotus position in the middle of the living room of my apartment, which had gradually begun to exhaust the furniture to be just a few cushions and a floor lamp. The first attempts to put the mind blank were quite unsuccessful, as the only repeat that I should not think of anything it was a thought. He also used to fall asleep and have dreams of most strangers. On one occasion I found myself in the middle of a desert where the dunes as well, only saw a caravan of camels. No human being accompanied the caravan, as what I thought, "you always think this kind of inconsistencies in dreams, that those should be trained as camel racing pigeons or who were directed by remote control. It was there in the desert, and extending my arm to the trailer, asking for a ride.

The caravan stopped his march and one of the camels he asked

- Where you going?

-A the pyramids, I guess. "I really had no idea but it seemed the most logical.

"No pyramids in the desert of La Guajira.

"Then I will Riohacha or coal mines.

"I take with pleasure, but there are no camels in the desert of La Guajira.

And the caravan resumed its journey.

A damn dream impasse.

One of the Sunday sessions I decided to go with a 24-hour fast. Only water with lemon. About noon a perfect sun shone through the window and rested on my body. The combination of factors should promote my goal, because I suddenly found myself in a trance. Trance should be the expected target, but as her eyes seemed closed more thought in black. It lasted about three minutes in which I did not think nothing, nothing, until suddenly a voice broke the silence:

"Do not let the outside world becomes your inner world."

The voice sounded familiar but could not locate his who . I focused again on the white, just getting to sleep. Shit, I dreamed another odd thing.

I found myself among the North Pole. Pure snow white all very enviable. This must be the closest thing to think of white, I thought. Quite intriguing was not feeling cold despite wearing only jeans and a shirt. In the distance I saw the same approach camel caravan of another dream. Also this time I extended my arm to ask for a ride. The caravan stopped and one of the camels he asked

- Where you going?

I do not know, "I replied. It was an honest answer, because unlike a desert where the pyramids could find an oasis or Riohacha, at the Polo I could not think any destination.

"I see you've followed my advice.

the camel looked blankly. He said then:

-Do not let outside world becomes your inner world. "I located the voice .- cold outside but you stay warm even just jeans and a dress shirt.


rather be in the Sahara or on the beaches of Copacabana. Can you take me there?

"I take with pleasure, but there are no camels in the North Pole.

And the caravan resumed its journey.

saw the camels away to merge with the blue of the horizon, carefree and obtuse. Being white camel is thinking, I concluded.

This story is protected by copyright and Copyright. Any reproduction must be approved by the rights holder. © Raúl Harper, 2009