1. "Two monks were arguing about a flag. One said: "The flag is moving." The other said: "The wind is moving. " It happened that the sixth patriarch, Zeno, passed right by. He said: "Neither wind nor the flag, the mind is moving."
2. "If a tree falls in the forest and no one around to hear it: What color is the tree?" Herman Toothroot
3. "Before studying Zen, mountains are mountains and rivers are rivers. While you are studying Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and rivers are not rivers, but once obtained enlightenment, mountains are again mountains and rivers are again rivers. "
4. "Goes the pupil to teacher to say
Master, I have nothing in my mind, what should I do?
-Throw out "says the teacher.
The disciple was surprised insists
"But if I have nothing in mind.
-Throw out the teacher, "he concludes."
5. "One day, a student of Grandmaster Mulla passed by his house and finds him on his knees, rummaging through the grass.
- What are you doing, sir?
- Seeking my key.
- But sir, is not lost at home?
- Yes, "replied Nasrudin," but here there is more light outside. "
6." - Master, help me to find the truth.
- Do you feel the fragrance of flowers?
- Yes
- So I have nothing to teach. "
7." The teacher, waving his cane in the air says "Do not call him
stick, if you do, you assert. Do not deny it's a stick, if you do, deny. Without affirming or denying, talk talk! "
8." A monk told Joshu: I have just entered the monastery. Please show me.
Joshu asked: "Have you eaten your meal and rice?
The monk replied, I have already eaten.
Joshu said: Then you should wash your bowl. "
9." A belligerent samurai challenge to an old Zen master to explain to him what it was hell, but the monk replied with some disdain.
"You're just a jerk and I can not waste my time with you.
Upon hearing the answer, the samurai, wounded in his honor, was furious, his face red with rage drew his sword and shouted the old man.
"Your impertinence will cost you your life. "That
. The same is hell, then the teacher said.
The samurai froze with the response and the tranquility of the old and the rage he felt in his whole body shaken by anger, he was shocked by the accuracy of the words of the monk, as he had done see what the hell, he fell to the grateful.
Then the elder said.
- And that. That is heaven! "
10." If you let yourself be trapped by the leaf, the tree will catch
if you let yourself be trapped by the tree,
you could catch the whole forest. "
Vagabond, Takehiko Inoue
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