1. DIRECTED People of any discipline, educational level and age (16 years and older) interested in developing their skills as writers and creators of stories.
2. OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY. The workshop aims to provide techniques and tools for creating and developing stories. This will be achieved by exposing the fundamental issues of literary creation, the writings of several authors in literature and performance exercises.
3. DURATION. The workshop consists of 10 sessions of 2 hours each (25 hours total). May be taken on Tuesday or Saturday at the option of participating should register only for one of those days.
4. Scheduling options.
Option 1. Tuesday's workshop will be taught from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, starting Feb. 22 and ending May 3, 2011.
Option 2. The workshop will be taught on Saturdays from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, starting Feb. 26 and ending on May 7, 2011.
5. VALUE. The workshop has a value of $ 270,000 (Two hundred and seventy thousand dollars) for either schedule. This fee includes materials. People who have taken workshops in Luziernaga Book Café will receive a discount of 10% of the value of the workshop.
6. PAYMENT AND REGISTRATION. Payments and registration to the workshop will only be received at the premises of Luziernaga Book Café (Calle 70 # 10 ª -25, Bogotá) on 17 January to 21 February (Option Tuesday) until 25 February (Option Saturdays).
7. QUOTA. Each workshop will open with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 people. In case of failure to reach the minimum quota, there will be money back who have been enrolled.
Sergio Gama. Philosopher University of Los Andes. He earned his MA in Literature from the University of Los Andes and Narrative Writing Specialization Central University. Editor and Assistant Director of the Foundation Fahrenheit 451. 1st Prize in the World Pacifist Poetry and Short Story 2009. Finalist International Microtext "Garzon Cespedes (2008) and Honorable Mention short story contest Waiting for Godot (2008). He has published in several specialized blogs, literary and cultural magazines, and in the anthologies "Ashes on the platform" and "Compressed Literature 2008." Has taught creative writing workshops with young people, children and vulnerable populations with different foundations. Since 2009 teaches workshops Luziernaga creation narrative in Book Café. Blog: www.humoenlaventana.blogspot.com
Raúl Harper. Colombian novelist author of Bums tale VIP (2007). His stories have been published in various print media and virtual Latin America. Honorable Mention in the Short Story Competition Regional Johann Rodríguez-Bravo (2009). Conducted some studies in history at the Universidad de Los Andes and Government and International Relations at the External University of Colombia. Has studied creative writing workshops in the story and novel RENATA Bogotá and the Writers Workshop at the Central University. Has taught creative workshops literature with the Network of Public Libraries of Bogotá (BibloRed). Since 2009 teaches workshops Luziernaga creation narrative in Book Café. Blog: www.raulharper.wordpress.com
9. MORE INFORMATION. Address: Calle 70 # 10 ª -25, Bogotá. Phone: 2493211. Email: contactoliterario@gmail.com Blog: www.talleresluziernaga.blogspot.com
SESSION 1 - Where are the stories.
SESSION 2 - What's speech.
SESSION 3 - How to recreate environments and narrative detail.
SESSION 4 - How to create unforgettable characters.
SESSION 5 - How to choose the right storyteller.
SESSION 6 - How to create effective dialogues.
SESSION 7 - How to hook the reader and close to success stories.
SESSION 8 - Narrative structures.
SESSION 9 - Genres narrative.
SESSION 10 - Correct, enhance, edit, bring the stories to a peak.
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