1. DIRECTED People of any discipline, educational level and age (16 years and older) interested in creating characters in literature, cinema and comics.
2. OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY. The workshop aims to provide techniques and tools for creating and developing characters for narrative. This will be achieved by exposing key issues for the creation of characters, the reading of texts by various authors, practical exercises and analysis of major characters literature, film, television and comic universal. During the workshop each student will write a personal project of building character.
3. DURATION. The workshop consists of 5 sessions of 2 hours each (12 hours total). You will have personalized advice for the development of the project by each student in the course of the workshop.
4. SCHEDULE. Tuesday from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
5. VALUE. The workshop has a value of $ 180,000 (One hundred and eighty thousand dollars). This fee includes materials. People who have taken workshops in Luziernaga Book Café will receive a discount of 10% of the value of the workshop.
6. PAYMENT AND REGISTRATION. Payments and registration to the workshop will be made only in the Book Café Luziernaga facilities (Calle 70 # 10 ª -25, Bogotá), from February 24 until May 9, 2011.
7. QUOTA. The workshop will open with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 people. In the event that the minimum quota is reached, there will be money back who have been enrolled.
Session 1: Introduction to Character Creation. How is a character. Biography and background story. Characterization and dimensionality.
Session 2: Role dramatic character. Motivations. Psychology character.
Session 3: Types of characters. Archetypes and stereotypes. Real characters and not real. Major and minor characters.
Session 4: Creating relationships between characters. Selection of the characters. The narrative environment.
Session 5: Developing characters through the narrative. The characters and the narrative cycle. Errors in creating the characters. Perfecting the characters.
9. GUARDIAN. Raúl Harper. Colombian novelist author of Bums tale VIP (2007). His stories have been published in various print media and virtual anthologies Latin America and the ash on the platform (2008) and Capital Lyrics (2010). Honorable Mention in the Short Story Competition Regional Johann Rodríguez-Bravo (2009) and Short Story Competition of the Chamber of Commerce of Hunt (2010). He has studied the creation narrative in the seminar "Story" by Robert McKee, in the Writers Workshop at the Central University and workshops RENATA story and novel Bogotá. Has taught creative writing workshops with the Network of Public Libraries of Bogotá (BibloRed) and now with the Literature Festival in Bogota. Since 2009 he works as a tutor for workshops Creating Story and Characters Creating Luziernaga Book Café. Blog: www.raulharper.wordpress.com
10. MORE INFORMATION. Address: Calle 70 # 10 ª -25, Bogotá. Phone: 2493211. Email: contactoliterario@gmail.com Website www.talleresluziernaga.blogspot.com
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