Rabbi Hyman Krustofki he the Simpsons suffered a terrible accident that caused, among other things, the loss of his penis. . When
visited the urologist, despondent and erratic, was quickly
"Tranquilo rabbi, now combined with technical knowledge, can solve any problem, even with circumcision and everything."
He gave a sample which had a small penis to $ 1,500, a median of $ 3,000 and a large 5,500.
The man threw the small, torn between the medium and large.
As I thought, the doctor told him it would be advisable to consult with his wife.
A Krustofki Hyman seemed good advice, and called his wife to discuss your options.
The doctor, to return to the clinic, he met the rabbi looking into the void with a sad look.
And, man, what is the ruling?
My wife says that for the little that we use, rather remodel the kitchen ...
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